Weekly Starter Habit Tracker

I’ve been talking about about my weekly starter habit tracker on my instagram – so I decided to make the template available to you! I started reading ‘Tiny Habits’ by BJ Fogg (amazon affiliate link*) on the recommendation of one of my followers — and I am so excited about the philosophy. It helps to break down the elements that drive behaviors (motivation + ability + prompt). It also goes one step further to say that if you want a behavior to become a habit — you have to make it as easy as possible (to increase the possibility that you do it in spite of fleeting motivation). And that, my friends, is why having a tiny/starter habit (rather than a full blown habit) as your daily threshold, just works.

You will have to read the book to understand the full philosophy — but if you want to join me in using this weekly tracker – you can download it below. I have included my sample version, as well as blank templates in four colors (orange, green, blue and purple):

Let me know what you think by leaving me a note on my instagram!

*Note: this blog post includes an affiliate link. If you decide to click on this link, and ultimately make a purchase, I will receive a very small commission in return. I thank you in advance for your support of my neglected blog and social media presence *grin*

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